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TeSSLa Project

Welcome to the TeSSLa project


This is the central GitLab page for the TeSSLa project.

TeSSLa is a stream-based specification language which is developed by the TeSSLa community.

The TeSSLa project is a community driven open-source project where the TeSSLa langauge and belonging compilers and tools are developed. The TeSSLa tools developed in this gitLab are licensed under Apache 2.0 license.

This page contains information for developers of the TeSSLa project. For details about how TeSSLa works and how it can be used take a look at the TeSSLa website

Detailed information about the current state of development can be found here.

Links to the sub-projects

The project consists of the following sub-projects which have their own git repository each:


Report a bug

  • General issues or feature requests for the TeSSLa language and tools can be submitted to the issue tracker on the left side of this page.
  • For bugs in one of the sub-projects use the issue tracker there


If you want to participate in developing TeSSLa feel free to contact the TeSSLa Developer Team to get permissions to push on this gitlab.